The United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, was one of the first organizations on the scene in California after the recent fires, as well as the severe storms in the southeast. They delivered a number of 5 gallon Cleaning Buckets to residents throughout that area.
With the ever-changing weather patterns, flooding rivers and streams, hurricanes & tornadoes seem to be never ending. UMCOR is always on the scene distributing these Cleaning Buckets. So…
· Look for the display of Cleaning Buckets in the main lobby
· View the fourteen (14) items needed for each bucket
· Remove one of the “strips of paper” associated with a particular item as your reminder to purchase
· Bring purchased item(s) to WUMC by Sunday, March 30
We need help to replenish the supply for future events!
Our goal: 20 buckets… join the Outreach Team as we build these buckets for a much needed relief.
Thank you… your gifts help UMCOR provide immediate humanitarian relief when a natural disaster disrupts life to such an extent that communities are unable to recover on their own.