Valentine’s Traditions – February Adult Covered Dish Dinner!
Plan to attend — and so you won’t forget — mark your calendar for the Wednesday, February 26th Adult Covered Dish Dinner in the Family Life Center. The entree is Betty Jo Harvath’s Mexican Lasagna; thus, you may want to take that fact into consideration as you plan the prepared dish that you are considering to bring.
February’s Dinner theme is entitled Valentine’s Traditions! As usual Betty Jo will challenge us with her Trivia Page! Doors open at 5:00 PM with the Dinner commencing at 5:30 PM. Plan to finish before 7:00 PM. Please bring your own plates and tableware as well as a dish to share at the food table. Look for the sign-up sheet and display in the narthex early in February.
All are welcome, both newcomers and long-timers! If you are new to our welcoming congregation, the Covered Dish Dinners are a great Methodist tradition and an excellent way to meet many of the fine, friendly folks that attend and worship at Wyoming Church. Should you have any questions or comments, please see Carol Abott Sunday mornings in the narthex or contact her at